Confused about how to differentiate between black pepper and white pepper? it turns out it’s really easy!

Pepper is a spice commonly used in cooking. However, the benefits of pepper are not limited to making dishes delicious, but are also good for body health. So, what are the health benefits of pepper?

This plant, whose Latin name is Piper nigrum, grows in many Asian countries. Pepper is divided into 2 types, namely black pepper and white pepper. Both come from the same plant and go through a drying process. The difference is, black pepper comes from unripe fruit, while white pepper comes from ripe fruit.

Another difference between black pepper and white pepper lies in the taste and aroma of both:

          1.      Black pepper : has a distinctive spicy taste and strong aroma. This spicy taste comes from the chemical compound piperine contained in black pepper. Apart from its spicy taste, black pepper can also have a touch of savory and warm taste.

          2.      White pepper : has a milder taste and is less spicy than black pepper. The aroma of white pepper is milder and less intense than the aroma of black pepper.

Health Benefits

Black pepper and white pepper both have different health benefits due to the differences in chemical composition and compounds contained in them :

          1.      Black paper : Apart from providing a spicy taste, black pepper also contains antioxidant compounds that can help fight free radicals in the body. The piperine compound in black pepper can also increase the absorption of nutrients in food and has potential anti-inflammatory benefits.           2.      White papper : White pepper also contains antioxidant compounds, although in lower amounts than black pepper. White pepper is known to have antimicrobial properties and can aid in digestion.

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