Get a body warming drink concoction in winter!

Spices are classified as one of the nutritious plants, since ancient times it has been believed for generations to be able to warm the body in the winter or rainy season and prevent flu or colds. Apart from being widely used as a spice and herbal plant in traditional foods and drinks, it is also widely used in traditional medicines. The definition of a spice is a part of a plant that is aromatic and has a strong taste, which is used in small amounts in food as a preservative or flavor enhancer in cooking. Spices come from the initial meaning of ‘Species Aromatacea’ from Latin which means fruit of the earth.

Then it just became ‘Species’, which means trade commodities that have distinctive characteristics or differentiating values. When winter comes, the right spices to warm the body are ginger and lemongrass. Drinks made from ginger or lemongrass are very effective in warming the body in winter, apart from being made from herbs which are rich in benefits and warm the body.

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is a plant that belongs to the grass family. This plant generally used in Asian cuisine and brewing lemongrass into a tea drink. Benefits of Lemongrass Drinks for Health There are several benefits of lemongrass such as increasing immunity, reducing cholesterol in the blood, improving sleep quality, and eliminating pain. This essential oil from lemongrass can repel mosquitoes, freshen the air, and reduce stress. Ginger not only is it a warming drink, drinking ginger can also improve blood circulation, lower cholesterol, relieve stomach ulcers, prevent heart attacks, and lower blood pressure.

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