You should know interesting fact about turmeric that not many people know!

Turmeric is a spice that is often used in cooking in Asian countries, such as in curry and to give dishes a yellow color. Pharmaceutical products made from turmeric can compete with patented medicines for some conditions, such as joint inflammation or osteoarthritis. Apart from that, turmeric extract products in the form of food supplements have also developed in the market and industry.

The turmeric plant not only has culinary and medicinal benefits, but also has natural coloring properties. The active pigment in turmeric called curcuminoid can be used as a natural coloring in various products, such as food and drinks.

Apart from that, turmeric leaves are also useful for improving digestive health thanks to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory curcumin contained in them. Several studies even state that the benefits of turmeric leaves are no less than the rhizome, such as improving bile performance, healing wounds, preventing diabetes, and relieving joint pain, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid.

Other Uses

Apart from being a cooking and medicinal spice, turmeric also has several other interesting uses. Among others are :

• Poison Antidote

• Allergy Medicine

• Wards off Bad Bacteria

• Helps Lose Weight

• Caring for the Heart

Interesting Ways of Using and Consuming Turmeric:

• Cooking Spices

• Warm Turmeric Tea

• Turmeric in Smoothies

• Healthy Soup with Turmeric • Turmeric Ice Drink

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